The company NEW CATERING provided us with a complex service (accommodation, a tent, a sound and light system, catering, flower services, etc.) for Royal Calvary of Oman for the duration of The Endurance Championships that took place 15 - 18 September 2016 at X Bionic Sphere in Samorin. We were very satisfied and would like to recommend them as they were able to meet our demanding requirements.
Spoločnosť NEW CATERING nam zabezpečovala počas majstrovstiev sveta vo vytrvalostnom jazdení v dnoch 15.9.-18.9.2016 v X Bionic Sphere v Šamoríne kompletný servis (doprava, stan, ozvučenie, osvetlenie, catering, kvetinovu výzdobu a mnohé ďalšie..) pre Royal Cavalry of Oman. So službami sme boli velmi spokojní a mozeme ich len odporučiť, pretože, dokázali flexibilne reagovať na naše náročné požiadavky.
Katherine Sarazzin